Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dinner Party Round-Up

I've attended a few photo-worthy dinner parties over the last few months that I thought were worth sharing.  Either beautiful food or creative menus have earned these a spot on the blog today.  Enjoy...

Leslie hosted a few couples one night for dinner.  We dined on roasted garlic chicken, crusty french bread, smashed potatoes fried in duck fat, green beans, brussel sprouts (my contribution).  Lindsay brought homemade tarts for dessert.  Yum.  I still think about those potatoes...

During Lindsay's first trimester she had crazy cravings for Greek food.  During that time she decided to host "Falafel Fest" at her house.  It was delicious! She fried up homemade falafels, and had all the fixin's to make yummy pitas.  And of course french fries and my Greek salad on the side.  I'm hoping her craving comes back, because this is a party I'd love to repeat!

Lastly, Lindsay had a small gathering where we barbecued several different kinds of pizza.  Not sure how, but Katie, Lindsay, and I ended up in charge of the grilling (I usually leave that up to my husband!), and it was quite an adventure.  We made 3 different pizzas, I brought a salad, and Katie brought a cobbler.  It was really fun to do pizzas this way and the crust ended up very crispy. 

Are you inspired?

Don't forget to enter the giveaway of $25 to Sweet'n Treats! Click here to enter. 


  1. Both look like they were an amazing time! Food looks great!

  2. by both, I mean all three.. oops!

  3. YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Now I want to throw a dinner party!

  4. great looking dishes :) you can surprise your guests by this colorful healty meals and you know what i surprised my friend by giving her something colorful too fresh and modern clock from and believe she was happily surprised by it
