Friday, August 26, 2011

I am Loving: Glass Ikea Plates

I have to thank my friend Megan and her family for this fabulous idea. 
These glass plates from Ikea are my newest must-have item for hosting parties.
Megan and several members of her family each have a set of these plates, so whenever one of them is hosting a large gathering they pool their resources. 
Some of my other friends and I have decided to copy this idea. We each purchased 20 of these plates each and now loan them to each other.  Genius!  They match any color scheme and are cheaper than renting plates. And at $.99 each, if one breaks -- who cares?! 
Hurry up and grab some yourself!

See how great they looked at my most recent shower?

1 comment:

  1. and I love the glass bowls...the big serving size is only $3.99!
