Monday, July 25, 2011

Real Party: My Gender Reveal

I have a very exciting announcement! 
My husband and I are expecting our first child! We are beyond thrilled. 

Last week we shared the moment of discovering the sex of our baby with several friends. 
I mentioned recently the Gender Reveal party for my friend Lindsay.  Everyone had such a great time, that we decided to do it again! 
(Plus Lindsay really wanted the fun job of making the cake and being the first to hear the news.)

This time we had a backyard bbq.  Lindsay made us a gorgeous and delicious cake. 
(If you remember, the cake I made for her melted horribly in the car -- hers put mine to shame!
 (How beautiful is that cake?  Can you tell I was really excited? sheesh...) 

My husband and I did not a preference on the gender at all.  We said the entire time that we just wanted a healthy baby.  However, we were both convinced from the beginning that it was a boy.  Convinced.  We had a short list of boy's names already. We sometimes referred to the baby as "he".  At our ultrasound, the baby was very active, so I was picturing a high-energy little boy (like my husband was).  Everyone else guessed it was a boy too (except my Grandma, she knew better!)...So that explains our complete shock when I cut into the cake...
...and saw...
Oh yes, its definitely a girl! 

Here's a little video. I love our expressions - priceless! 
What a fun, fun way to discover one of the biggest surprises of our lives! 

A little disclaimer: I want to seriously apologize for the slowing down of regular posts on this blog. I was terribly sick for most of my first trimester, and it was just too much for me to keep up my normal posting schedule. Happy to report I'm finally feeling better! And that there are lots of fun baby shower posts in the future here at Oh Baby! Shower Decor...the blog.  Thank you all so much for sticking with me! 

Welcome to the world Riley, Graham, and Evan! Can't wait to meet you all!


  1. Congrats!!!! Sooo exciting! The video is adorable.

  2. That is such a fun idea for a little party. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Glad to hear you're no longer feeling sick :-)

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a fun way to find out!!! I have two girls of my own (my 2 yr old is currently on my lap). They are so much fun!!

    I just googled "baby shower ideas blog" because I'm hosting one this Saturday and found your AMAZING AMAZING TALENTED BLOG!!!! I can't THANK YOU enough for sharing all your awesome ideas!!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the gusts signing a story book at the baby shower. You are one talented person. I can tell you enjoy life to the fullest and love to PARTAY!!!!! I hope you keep blogging because now I want to host a million parties thanks to you!!! I just had to write that, i'll be back!!!

    Best of luck to you and the new baby GIRL coming soon!!!!! I hope you get the best baby shower thrown for you because you deserve it!!!
    Philadelphia, PA

  4. Congratulations! The pink frosting on the inside is cool!

  5. Congratulations! Now that you know you're having a girl, here are some ideas for when you announce your baby's birth :)

  6. how can i miss this? duh ~~~ congratulations and good luck!!! so happy for you!!!!

  7. Congratulations!! So happy for you! Baby girls are just the best :), but I'm a little biased.

  8. Apologize??? You're "growing" a little girl. People complain, please send them my way for a good slap. Genius reveal method btw.
